Our Services

What do you need?

Screenplay Analysis Services
We offer three different packages that adapt to your needs and what you want to pay for. We won't make you pay for what you don't need. What will never change is the quality and insightful analysis we deliver in every single service you purchase from us.
See samples here:

Pilot Analysis Services (up to 60 pages)
We offer three different packages that adapt to your needs and what you want to pay for. We won't make you pay for what you don't need. What will never change is the quality and insightful analysis we deliver in every single service you purchase from us.

Short Analysis Services (up to 50 pages)
We offer three different packages that adapt to your needs and what you want to pay for. We won't make you pay for what you don't need. What will never change is the quality and insightful analysis we deliver in every single service you purchase from us.

Logline Services
Having a solid logline is key for screenwriters. It has the power to hook producers into reading your material, or to make them throw it into the garbage bin. It provides a quick taste of your work to the reader and, what's more important, it provides you, the writer, a sense of structure and direction for your story.
An excellent logline is fundamental to have a solid script.
That's why we've developed a series of services, so we can help you take that logline to its maximum potential.

Logline Polisher
Logline Creator
Logline Re-ordering
Send us a synopsis of the concept, characters and most important beats of your story and let us help you create up to 5 loglines that will help getting that agent into reading your script.
Price: $35
If you already have a logline, send it to us along with a synopsis of the concept, characters and most important beats of your story, and let us help you make that logline stand out and hook that producer you want into reading your script.
Price: $30
Send us a file with up to 10 loglines and receive them back re-ordered by their quality level.
You'll also receive an explanation that justifies said order, and what makes each of the options better or worse.
Price: $35
You've used our notes in your new draft?
We're the only ones that offer a discount for re-submissions of material. We want to see you succeed and we'd love to read your improved screenplay.